Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Change

I have made a decision.  My life is in the midst of a transition.  I have been separated for two years and my divorce is almost complete. 

I thought about the rest of my life and what I want (need) to do.

My passion has been women and especially abused women and children.  I am going to volunteer at a shelter in Denver, CO.  I just filled out my application and sent it in.  I feel very good about it.

I have ministered to women in these situations before but I would come from a place of, "I understand, I have been there."

I could go on and on about my thoughts on men who abuse women.  Not just physically but emotional and mentally.  I HATE bullying of any kind.  For one person to think he is better than another that he can do that to someone is horrible.  This is where my passion is.  This is where I want to make a difference.

My story is not as bad as others but the fear or someone you love exploding for no reason is there.  There has been physical contact but others have had it worse.  I want to help in putting a stop to that mentality that this is OK.

I had a conversation with an abuser the other day.  He says that when he gets mad he "sees red" and loses all coherent thought.  That sounds dark to me. Evil. Driven by Satan himself.  But yet, knowing that, I still do not have compassion for the abuser. I need to work on that. 

I feel good with this new decision on my new journey. More to come.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Welcome ~

You know that moment in life where you are single (divorced), your children are grown and you are facing a new season in your life?

You ask yourself, "What am I going to do? What do I want to do?"  I am still learning this for myself but I do know enough to know that I want to make a difference.

I have worked in a corporate office, hitting a time clock for over 30 years.  I have gained allot of knowledge in my profession and have climbed the corporate ladder and I was being blessed financially.  For this I am truly thankful.

But to be honest, its not enough.  I want to make a difference.  I want to make an impact.  This feeling probably comes from me serving the Lord for 40 years.  I have gave my heart to the Lord at 9 years of age and I have been sitting and waiting.  I have four (grown) children and I have home schooled for 18 years.  That season is over.  I am preparing for the next season and I want to make my days matter.

I am in prayer of this and asking God for direction.  The one passion that has been in my life is women and the abuse of women and children.  I am leaning toward this area.  I will let you know when I get a confirmation.

This ministry is about women, for women.  To me, Jael is a mighty woman of God who takes a back seat to Ruth, Esther and Deborah in the bible only because her story is only a few lines long but she made a difference in her day.  In Judges 4: 17-22, 5:6, 24-27.  Jael means "wild or mountain goat" or "gazelle."  While her enemy slept (Sisera), she took a tent pin in one and with a maul in the other and she drove the pin home through the skull of Sisera as he slept.  Sisera was an enemy of Israel.  She saved her country in one swoop.

This blog is for the quiet ladies who deep down, have the strength to do what is right, stand strong and know she is valued.